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‘Did you know a lot of flight attendants play a game?’: Flight attendant reveals why they say ‘See you later’ as you deplane

Flight attendant reveals why they say ‘See you later’ as you deplane

A flight attendant and TikTok user reveals that flight attendants play a “see you later” game with certain passengers as they deplane.

TikTok user Garret Clanton (@gowithgarret) posts about travel and lifestyle. In a recent video, he asks, “Did you know that a lot of flight attendants play a game called, ‘see you later?’” According to Clanton, the game is geared toward the people a flight attendant finds attractive and typically occurs when everyone deplanes and walks out.

Apparently, if a flight attendant says, “See you later,” to a passenger, it’s code for wanting to sleep with them. "So, next time you getting off the plane and if that flight attendant says, ‘see you later,’ I think twice on what that really means,” he concludes.

@gowithgarret See you later alligator #flightattendantlife ♬ original sound - Garret Clanton

The video garnered more than 52,000 views within 24 hours. The information surprised both fellow passengers and flight attendants.

“I said, ‘see you later too,’ so many times lol I didn’t know,” one viewer wrote.

“Me, a flight attendant, having no idea this was a thing. Imma just keep saying HAGD & looking for a break in deplaning so I can get my bags down,” a second stated.

In addition, other passengers shared their stories of flight attendants flirting with them.

“Wait is this true? Bc a flight attendant said this to me and also told me how beautiful I am TWICE during the flight lol he was pretty cute too!!” one user shared.

“I’ve had a FA secretly leave a cookie on my tray table right before landing. She did a super fast assassins style drive by at my seat,” a second commented.

Furthermore, this isn’t the only game flight attendants play. “We have a little game called ‘find the Bob’ and basically Bob stands for best on board. So, you just find the best-looking person on the plane and you call them Bob the whole day,” an anonymous flight attendant told the Sun. "There's the cheerio game you can play when passengers disembark. When you're standing there going 'buh-bye, thank you, take care' etc when you see someone you fancy, you say 'cheerio.'"

The Daily Dot reached out to Clanton via Instagram DM and TikTok comment for more information.

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